You can report dead birds to DEFRA via their online form OR by calling them (03459 33 55 77) should you find:

  • 1 or more dead birds of prey (such as an owl, hawk or buzzard)

  • 3 or more dead birds that include at least 1 gull, swan, goose or duck

  • 5 or more dead wild birds of any species

You can use this service to report other types or numbers of dead wild birds.

Do not touch dead wild birds.


Help Us Identify Wildlife Mortality Hotspots on the Roads

Although Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue does not collect deceased wildlife, we are working to identify roadside hotspots where wildlife deaths frequently occur. By gathering this information, we hope to explore potential preventative measures to reduce these incidents.

Your reports may be shared with relevant organisations, such as local authorities, to help improve these high-risk areas. However, we will never share your personal details, such as your name or telephone number. We only request this information in case we need to follow up for further details about your report.

If you're contacting about an animal that is currently alive and injured at the roadside, please immediately call our rescue on 01472 472217 

Thank you for helping us protect local wildlife!

Reporting a Dead Animal

Public Land

If you find a dead animal on public land (such as a street, road, or park), you should report it to North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) or the relevant local authority if you are outside the area. (A reporting option will be available below.)

Private Land

If the animal is on private land, NELC states that it is the property owner's responsibility to dispose of it appropriately. Their guidance is as follows:
  • Small animals such as foxes, squirrels, and birds found in gardens can be placed in a black bin bag and disposed of in your household waste bin.
  • Always wear gloves when handling dead animals or birds.
For additional disposal options, you may contact your local vet centre to see if they can assist. Please note that vets are not obligated to offer this service for free, and a charge may apply.

Deceased Marine Life

Due to our coastal location and proximity to Donna Nook, it’s not uncommon for marine life to wash up onshore. While this can be distressing to witness, the tide usually carries the remains back into the estuary, where they serve as a natural food source for marine life such as crabs and fish (but hopefully not sharks!).

If intervention is necessary, you can report the sighting to:
📞 Cleethorpes Beach Safety (NELC): 01472 323356
📞 North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC)
🌊 Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP)
Alternatively, you can send us a message on Facebook to report a sighting.

Deceased Pets Sadly, pets—particularly cats—can sometimes be found in unexpected places after passing away. If you come across a deceased pet, we kindly ask that, where possible, you take the animal to a local vet, as they may be able to identify the owner and reunite them with their pet.